The Central Luzon State University through its International Affairs Office publishes two international peer-reviewed journals, the CLSU International Journal of Science and Technology and the CLSU International Journal of Education and Development Studies.
The CLSU IJST and CLSU IJEDS trace their roots to the CLSU Scientific Journal. The first issue of the CLSU Scientific Journal came out in 1965 as a recommendation of the CLSU Research Committee. Initially, the journal was envisioned to be a medium of “disseminating the findings of these researches as bases for possible adoption of scientific information that are useful for the improvement of agricultural practices particularly by the people in the rural areas of the Central Luzon regions…it is also intended to provide the much needed stimulus for the development of scientific human resources upon whom our country's socio-economic progress largely depends. Issues were published quarterly until 1970 when it switched to a semi-annual publication.
In 1980, the management of the CLSU Scientific Journal was transferred to the newly created CLSU Publication House. The transfer of journal management also gave way to the reorganization of its scope. Aside from agriculture, the journal opened its submissions in the field of social sciences covering education, economics, sociology, politics and other related disciplines. The last issue of the CLSU Scientific Journal came out in 2005.
After a decade of hiatus, the CLSU Scientific Journal was reorganized as the CLSU International Journal of Science and Technology in 2015 under the auspices of the International Affairs Office. A year after, the journal was issued in full online mode and free of charge for the readers. No article processing fees are collected from the authors. The CLSU IJST focuses on publishing original articles that seek solutions to the problems in the field of science and technology of the developing world.
In 2019, the CLSU International Journal of Education and Development Studies was created to provide an avenue for studies in the field of social sciences. Its full online maiden issue came after a year.